Jeanne Modern Checkered Black & White Cotton Area Rug

From $49.99


Contribute to your minimalist paradise, this woven rug features a contemporary checkerboard pattern textured pattern for a bohemian feel. Stunning handmade textile made from 20% cotton, free of dangerous chemicals and eco-friendly. Safe enough for children and pets to play with at home.

【Rug Pad Needed】 Expertly from woven cotton that is lightweight and without rubber backing. For best result, we recommend pairing with a rug pad to keep it from moving.
【Note】 There may be some white cotton dots in in the woven rug, due to the handmade nature and technological characteristics. Cotton rug may attract lint, hair or fur. Vacuuming is not recommended for lightweight and thin carpets.
【Easy to Clean】Shake or pat off debris and hair for daily clean. Also can being wash in cold water on a gentle cycle, and recommend to air dry for deep clean. Note: vacuuming is not recommended for lightweight and thin carpets.

Product Note
  • The foldable carpet may contain temporary creases upon arrival, allow time for creases to flatten and settle;
  • You can use it with a rug pad for additional comfort, slip resistance and longevity.
  • Compatible with rug pads from Ruggable, Tumble rugs, Safavieh and other brands.