Flore Boho Modern Parisian Floral Green Area Rug

From $31.99


Bold and bright, its whimsical botanical-floral patterns and playful colors enhance any space. An elegant floral rug in your home is like being in a beautiful garden. Cloud-soft comfort keeps you warm and soothed. Skin-friendly, lint-free and less likely to trap dirt, along with a non-slip backing design, gently cares for your kids' every play and daily adventure. Washable rugs for your daily comfort, live better at home with lahome.


Feature:Skid Resistant TPE Backing (No Additional Rug Pad Needed)
Material:Synthetic Faux Wool Fibers
Back Material:Rubber
Care InstructionsMachine Washable
Pile Height:Low Pile - 0.22 inches
Room: Entryway, Bedroom, Dining Room, Living Room, Office, Kitchen, Hallway

Product Note
  • The foldable carpet may contain temporary creases upon arrival, allow time for creases to flatten and settle;
  • You can use it with a rug pad for additional comfort, slip resistance and longevity.
  • Compatible with rug pads from Ruggable, Tumble rugs, Safavieh and other brands.